Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Beginning...

This is the beginning of my transformation, a new lifestyle.  I am determined to get fit and healthy.  This is my "new year's resolution" except I am starting it early :-)  The majority of my workouts are based around Jillian Michaels.  I LOVE her DVD's!  I am not following them for as long as she suggests, but I am mixing them up all throughout the week.  I am trying to do a mixture of the workouts, with a goal of at least 5 days a week.  I don't want to make this goal so high I can't achieve it realistically! So far this week I have really cleaned up my eating and I have worked out 3 days!  As I move forward on my journey I will review each of the DVD's more in depth and let you know which ones seem to be helping more! :-)

Thanks for stopping by!